Saturday, January 30, 2010

Wrath of Fenrir - Mike's Face

I did the face painting of Mike (lead singer) of Wrath of Fenrir for their photoshoot.

This photo wasn't taken by me... it was taken by Tim Masih... and I have a Flicker link.

I didn't do the lines on Mike or the rest of the band... but I did paint his face. A grey-white base and black details on top. They had their first gig about 2 hours ago but unfortunately I couldn't be there but my boyfriend said they did really well. :)

Monday, January 25, 2010

The Stingray Block's Stingray

I did this at the school Mum is teaching at about a year ago. The year 4-7 block was called the stingrays, hence the animal I made. We had some fun trying to attatch this to the roof of the middle area... as you might tell...

It was alot of drawing and cutting and painting and sewing... but it was also alot of fun. I made a mini stingray too, but he's still at school and I haven't taken a photo of him yet. This one is about 2m wide and 2.5m-3m long with his tail. He has bulging eyes and indents above his eyes. He has a painted mouth and gills?... I think they're gills... on his under side and lots of those white spots on the top. I added glitter on the spots and the black lines underneath to add a little magic to him for the kids. I can't put photos ofthe kids up here, not even the ones that helped put it up... but there is a photo of the stingray and myself to show you how big he is... and because I was proud of him. :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Dia De Los Muertos 2008

This was a mural I designed and painted for a friends Dia De Los Muertos party, complete with sequins.

I really like how it finished up with the candles surrounding the skull and the band at the bottom. The roses in the eye sockets were hard to try and get symmetrical, but the whole project was still fun.

This was a little guitar playing skeleton I painted for people to stick their heads through. While I still think the yellow surrounding him was a good colour choice, it sort of looks like a holy thing... which is still kind of kewl.

I had fun making these, I'm pretty sure the people at the party had fun with these, and hopefully you enjoy looking at them. :)

If you would like a mural custom made for your party, wall or event, feel free to email me at jade.lavery @ (without the spaces)

A New 2010!

My goal for this year is to keep this blog up to date because I haven't been and I need to... Simple I guess. I haven't been doing a lot over the summer craft wise so I'm going to start sharing some of my older projects and photos.

This was me at Christmas... Festive hair and festive shirt... A very hectic but very enjoyable day.

Have a happy 2010!